Thursday, September 20, 2007

Critical success factors for KM

If we consider critical success factors for Knowledge Management can we include "Establish cross-functional teams" as a critical success factor?

Dharshini Bandara
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology


Blogger pbvenkat said...

Alazmi and Zairi (2003) suggest the critical success factors to be, culture, training, top management support, technology infrastructure, knowledge infrastructure, knowledge sharing, systems and procedures, structures, tasks, incentives etc. But this list is too long. Leavitt (1965) identifies four factors as key, they are, Task, Structure, People and Technology. Your CFT comes in 'Structure'. Leavitt defines 'Structure' as a system of communication, system of authority and a system of workflow. Since a CFT is one such structure and enables knowledge sharing the same can be considered as a key success factor for knowledge transfer

5:08 PM  

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